Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Tunisia 2005

Another random travel experience picked out of the memory hat now - a fantastic trip to Tunisia with a friend I studied with on my journalism MA at Sheffield University way back when . . .

This trip has to count as my first ever "exotic" holiday. Everything before this was fairly safe and relatively similiar to home - Ibiza, Portugal, Greece, Australia, all great, but not particularly taxing.

Tunisia however was the first country where we had a sense of alienation, slightly disconcerting, things a little bit off kilter, a language we couldn't understand or even read but was as pretty as an illustration in the margins of fairytale books.

We stayed in Sousse, a large costal city with a large Medina and Casbah (finally we could actually sing Rock the Casbah while actually in one!!)

 There's a museum at the casbah with fantastic mosiacs from Roman villas in the area. Here's me with a selection of them ..
Here's the Ribat.

And here's some shots of the lovely beach, shame it was FREEZING!!!!

            Here is the view from our hotel window - racking my brains for the name of it!!
                          Next up Carthage, the desert, the salt flats and Sidi Bouzid

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